Manufacturer: SHOWA Best Glove
Minimum Quantity: 1
Description: Best¨ Zorb-IT¨ Ultimate is a sponge nitrile-coated Zorb-IT¨ product line from Showa Best Glove. This glove has Maximum Oil Absorbency (MXOA). This shallow-dipped glove brings new levels of form-fitting comfort and cutresistance, thanks to a cut-resistant shell made from Kevlar¨ fibers spun with stretchable, breathable Lycra¨. Its sponge-nitrile technology absorbs oil and water to deliver the same superior grip and handling in wet or oily applications that it does in dry jobs. Whether you're handling small, sharp parts or changing out blades and cutting instruments, Zorb-IT¨ Ultimate is the ultimate in advanced, cut-resistant nitrile-coated hand protection. Launder at 40¼C (104¼F) using a neutral detergent